Home Cooked Meals


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IMPORTANT: By using this website you agree to have read and understood this Disclaimer and Terms of Use and agree to be bound by them.



Home Cooked Meals (“HCM“) may provide links to third-party websites with affiliates to their site and/or products. Compensation may be in the form of money, services or complimentary products and could exist without any action from a website visitor. Should you purchase a product or service that was from an affiliate link or other references, it is understood that some form of compensation might be made to HCM.


Accuracy of Information

All information provided by HCM is subject to change without notice to users. HCM does not guarantee the accuracy of information provided on this website, sub-sites, links or online brochures.

HCM reserves the right to update the Disclaimer and Terms of Use without notice to you.

Limitation of Liability

Neither HCM nor any of its data providers shall be liable for any incorrect information, errors, delays or actions taken as a result of the information provided.

HCM shall not be liable for any damage or costs of any type arising out of or in any way connected with the use of this website.

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You use this website, its products, services, information and promotions at your own or your company’s risk.

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Links and information provided on the website about third party products and services are for your convenience only and ShortName does not endorse or recommend any product or service from third-party providers, the product or service providers themselves, third-party websites, any third-party content.

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Any company you select to use promotions, products or services from is solely responsible for those products or services to you and not HCM.

Products and Services

HCM may make available such items as tools, information and utilities for use and/or download. HCM does not make any assurances with regard to the results, suitability, reliability, function or output that derives from the use of any such downloadable items, information, tools or utilities.

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HCM cannot control all Content published or disseminated on the Website. Especially in forums, you may find other members communications, graphics, audio files or other information inappropriate, offensive, harmful, inaccurate, dishonest or misleading and deceptive, however, you alone are solely responsible for your use of the Website and interaction with other members and agree to act responsibly and exercise caution, common sense and safety when using the Website.

Terms of Use

General Use

You will provide information that is true and correct about yourself and your company when entering information into this website. Incorrect or misleading information or impersonating another person/company may be treated as fraud and may carry legal consequences.

You will not upload, post or otherwise transmit through the website content that:

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You will not use the website, sub-sites, products, services, promotions or content for any illegal activity or purpose whatsoever including the use of system and hardware resources, network resources or information resources.

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All information provided by HCM is subject to change without notice to users.

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The use of this website and its content for any purpose other than as permitted by HCM is strictly prohibited and such use may result in legal action.


To access some information, promotions, services or products you may be required to have an active account with HCM.

HCM reserves the right to refuse or terminate an account, products or promotional offers found within this site at its discretion.

Other Restrictions

You will not use and/or view the Website in a restricted location – namely a place, country, or location in which doing so would, or could be deemed a violation of any law, regulation, rule, ordinance, edict or custom.

When dealing with other members of this site you will be polite and courteous at all times.

As a condition of your use of the website and its associated products and services, neither will be used for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices.


Use of this website is governed by HCM Privacy Policy.

(Last Updated 17 October 2022)

Beenleigh QLD 4207

Home Cooked Meals © 2024

Privacy Policy
